preschools in india

Our Approach

Péntemind - The Learning Minds, our pedagogy nurtures the ‘Learning Minds’ in every child, It shapes children’s overall development in a fun and inspiring manner. With an aim to nurture the future global leaders who possess the mindset of ‘We First’ instead of ‘ Me First’, who will be much in demand internationally.

Meet our Learning minds:

Focused Mind- Goes deep into a topic with focus and single-minded attention.

Analytical Mind- Selects crucial information from the copious amounts available and arrays that information in ways that make sense to self and others.

Inventive Mind- Goes beyond existing knowledge to pose new questions and offer new solutions

Empathetic Mind- Responds sympathetically and constructively to differences among individuals

Conscientious Mind- Lives in harmony with the natural world

Kidzee Advantage

We envision, nurture, develop, and enable today's children as tomorrow's leaders. Read more about the Golden Five-Point Kidzee Edges here A dedicated scheme of structured learning every year, combined...

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